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Systems In Decay


Winter 2020/21 Vol. 19 No. 4


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Foreword. As part of a new series of debates we hope to ignite on the evolving world order, TPQ’s Winter 2020/21 edition explores the question of how the US’s changing role amid ongoing tensions with global powers will shape the upcoming decade.

The Trump Foreign Policy Legacy in the Middle East. “For Trump, neither the realpolitik version of a global order, nor certainly the Wilsonian liberal internationalist version, made sense as they required a net ‘loss’ on his accounting books, and over time a weakening of ‘USA Inc.,’ in favor of international organizations and law,” writes James F. Jeffrey.

What Is Wrong? "From what I can observe clearly from the 2020 political destabilization, America is having grave difficulties taking ownership of and holding on to its history,” writes Kemal Köprülü.

US-Iran Relations after Trump. “While Trump has been credited for not starting any new wars, it is noteworthy that he did not end any of America’s wars and the actions of his administration could have easily sparked a war with Iran,” writes Assal Rad.

The US-Turkey Security Relationship. “Despite its skepticism about the United States and lingering anti-Americanism, the Turkish public wants to see the continuation of extended security ties,” write Şaban Kardaş and Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı.

Cuban-American Relations. “Cuban and Cuban Americans view life through different lenses, and this, at times, creates serious conflict regardless of the love they both have for their country,” writes Merari Hall Fortún.

American Invasions and Withdrawals.“While the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq was a destructive idea, its withdrawal from these countries is much worse since Americans will be leaving the two countries without ensuring peace, stabilizing and improving the political system, and eliminating terrorist groups,” writes İbrahim Karataş.

The End of the American Era.“While the present decline of the liberal world order can indeed breed chaos and opportunism, it also opens the door for different ideologies and modes of governance to take root,” writes Teoman Kenn Küçük.

The United States of America I Know. “I truly believed that news outlets were independent, but I realized during the 2020 elections that they have been imposing their own narratives, which is one of the reasons behind the division of the country,” writes Maya Nikoloska.

COVID-19, Populism, and Political Change in Turkey. “If İmamoğlu continues to retain his popularity during the pandemic, the worst nightmare of the ruling party may come true: he could run against Erdoğan in the 2023 presidential elections with a good chance of winning,” writes Seda Demiralp.

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